Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Been a while, huh?!?

The blog just goes to show you what my diet and exercise life has been: Non-Existent.

This is not much of a surprise to me.

As you can tell from my last post, I've got an affection for all things fast food. This was a real problem a while ago. I couldn't stop.

I found myself grabbing breakfast from the Burger King on my way to work. I've got a special place in my heart for 'the King'! I mean, seriously... the King and me is like THIS ::crosses fingers:: SON!!

To combat it this urge, I found myself heading the opposite direction, taking the 'long way' to work.

Yeah... sounds good, in theory, however there are TWO McDumpsters on the way that route!!

Jeez... how planned out this crap!?!

Although this may sound silly to some people, I actually had to PRAY that God would take away the urge and temptation. Most people don't understand 'Food Addiction'. They can't seem to grasp that just like you get addicted to smoking, or working out, drinking, shopping, etc. you can also become addicted to food. You can read more about the science of food addictions here.

As with any habit, it's simply a matter of breaking this non-sense obsession!

"They" say that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Meaning, if you go to the gym 21 days in a row, at the same time, doing a similar length work out - you should have developed a habit by the 22 day.

It's like getting up for work.

You're body has set kind of an 'internal alarm clock' that wakes you up in the morning, should you forget to set your alarm at night... know what I'm sayin'?

Well, using this principle, I figure it takes 21 days to BREAK a habit.

So, for the next 21 days, I refuse to go to ANY fast food establishment, not even for a soda (which I do quite frequently)... I'll try to sort out the 'exercise' thing later...

Wish me luck!


Laura said...

Dear sweet babe.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I am proud of you, and know that you are going to succeed!

Jared Mirabile said...

Bad burger, you go home now... was reading some of your ramblings, you are a fighter no doubt. Stay strong, stay focused and stay off the roads that lead to you know where!

Thanks for the comment (left ya a little thanks under your words, check it!)