Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday and Tuesday | Days 1&2 recap.

It's a pretty short recap, actually.

As you can see by my lack of posting, I also have what some may call a "lack of discipline." This certainly does not stop at my Blogging life... it spans to pretty much every area of my life.

Diet = Already Broken
Gym = Already Vacant
Slim = Already Dissappointed

BUT... today is a new day. As a matter of fact, I believe that today is the first day of the rest of my life, if I understood that correctly.

I missed the gym today, because my phone froze up (DON'T EVER GET A SMART PHONE!) at 5:45am this morning which subsequently kept me asleep long enough to miss the gym and be late for work as well.

I'll still hit the diet as usual though: vitamins, calcium, and fish oils with my protien shake.

A salad with ground turkey for lunch.... and I'll just have to keep you posted on dinner.

Sorry... in the words of Saul Williams: "My people, let Pharoh go."


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